Being a pet owner brings so much joy, love, and endless cuddles. But with all the good comes the obvious downside to owning furry friends, and that’s the moment that you notice your buddy is scratching a bit more than usual. Whether you’re seasoned at dealing with fleas (our condolences) or trying to prevent them, it’s important not to ignore the signs.
Protecting your pet from fleas means you’re protecting their health and your home from these unwanted intruders. Read on for more information about the best flea treatment that actually works for dogs and cats.
What Are Fleas?
Fleas are ruthless and common. They’re one of the most common ailments described by pet owners when they schedule a vet visit.
Fleas are wingless insects that feed on blood and can jump up to eight inches (which is why they are shared among cat and dog friends easily). Furthermore, a flea infestation can lead to more than just itching as they can spread diseases, cause infections, tapeworm, and allergic reactions.
Once fleas begin feasting on blood, they can begin laying eggs within 24 hours. That’s why prevention and/or prompt treatment is vital.
How Do I Know My Pet Has Fleas?
Cats and dogs seem to be scratching all the time so how do you know if it’s fleas versus typical behavior? Luckily, there’s a few tell-tale signs and they are:
- Excessive Scratching: This will far surpass normal scratching. Their scratching will become almost insatiable and can wake them from sleep or be constant.
- Black/Brown Specks: Otherwise called ‘flea dirt’ this is flea feces. We know, ew!
- Irritated Skin: Your pet’s skin may look red, inflamed, and scratched up. This can come from the biting itself or your furry friend’s insatiable need for scratching on top of scratching.
- Visible Fleas: If the infestation is bad you may see these pests crawling all over your pet’s fur.
Why Are Fleas So Difficult to Get Rid Of?
Unfortunately, fleas are notoriously difficult to get rid of because their life cycle includes multiple stages and many treatments only target adult fleas. Eggs, larvae, and pupae can remain in your home after extensive treatment which leads to recurring infestations. Thorough, diligent, and repeated treatments may be necessary.
Types of Flea Treatments
Now comes the good news. Several treatment options are available to pet owners that are not only effective, but they’re safe for your furry family members. Here is a breakdown of the treatments available:
Flea Treatment for Cats
You know your cat best, so choosing the right flea treatment is essential. Some options for cats include:
- Topical Treatments: These products go directly on your animal’s coat and work quickly on contact. It’s important for your cat not to lick flea and tick treatments since they are toxic to cats. Read all instructions on where to properly apply the formula.
- Cat Flea Pills: Oral medications work quickly to kill fleas from the inside out.
- Flea Collars: Long-lasting collars provide months of protection.
- Best Flea Dip for Cats: Flea dips are stronger treatments used in severe infestations but should only be used under veterinary supervision.
Flea Medicine for Dogs
Dogs have a lot of the same options when it comes to treating fleas and they are:
- Oral Flea Treatments: Oral medicine may be better for dogs with sensitive skin and are fast acting to begin the process of killing and preventing fleas.
- Topical Treatments: If you’re unsure on how to give your dog pills, topical treatments are incredibly effective and there are very few side effects so it’s a great option for a dog with a sensitive stomach. They can last up to 12 weeks as well.
- Flea Collars for Dogs: Collars offer extended protection that don’t cause skin irritation.
- Best Flea Dip for Dogs: Flea dips can be effective but should be used with caution and under a vet’s guidance.
Flea Prevention and Home Care
Proactive measures are key to flea and tick control. Regular grooming, checking for fleas, investigating suspicious scratching, and using effective treatments like flea shampoo with essential oils are all good steps to take.
Remember to keep the floors clean, focus on cracks, carpets, steam clean furniture, and keep your yard well-maintained with pest control.
Best Flea Treatment for Dogs
The best flea treatment for dogs is the one that works. In warmer climates like Florida a year-round option is essential. It’s important to speak with your veterinarian to discuss the best options for your dog’s current health and weight.
Some of the most common brands are:
Bravecto: Bravecto offers long-lasting protection against fleas and ticks with a single dose that can last up to 12 weeks. It’s chewable and easy to administer to dogs in their food or favorite treat.
NexGard: NexGard is a monthl flea and tick protection chew that dogs love. It kills fleas quickly and prevents new infestations so your pup is protected month in to month out.
Simpatico: Simparica is a fast-acting flea and tick chewable that works well in a humid climate like Florida. Eliminating fleas and ticks within hours, it’s a great choice for almost immediate relief.
Best Flea Treatment for Cats
Again, there is no definitive answer here. The best flea treatment for cats is whatever works for your cat. At your next wellness appointment we can discuss particular brands and what may work best for your feline friend. Some of the most common brands that are proven to work for cats are:
Bravecto: Bravecto for cats provides long-lasting flea and tick protection with a single topical application that lasts up to 12 weeks. It’s easy to apply and provides protection for an extended amount of time.
NexGard: NexGard for cats offers monthly protection against fleas and ticks in an easy-to-administer topical solution. It kills fleas and ticks fast, helping to prevent infestations and protect your cat’s health.
Revolution Plus: Revolution Plus is a comprehensive monthly topical treatment that protects cats from fleas, ticks, ear mites, and several other parasites. It also guards against heart worm disease and intestinal worms.
You Need an Effective Plan Against Fleas
Protecting your cats and dogs from fleas is vital for their health and for your peace of mind. With various treatment options available, you’ll be able to find something that is effective and works with your budget. Always consult with your vet to choose a safe treatment that is tailored specifically to your pet.
Give us a call to schedule your appointment and we will be happy to diagnose a potential flea problem and discuss your dog or cat’s flea prevention needs.